Explaining the Wisdom and Function of Occultation from the Viewpoint of Ayatollah Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


هیئت علمی دانشگاه امام صادق


With regard to the wisdom of occultation and reappearance, there are several viewpoints, among which the fluent words of Imam Sadegh that this wisdom should be covered until its reappearance and its alignment with the occultations of the previous divine Hujjas, can be very helpful. Accompanying this explanation with Imam Khamenei's viewpoint on the necessity of occultation and waiting, even assuming that Ghadir will bear fruit, has led to more reflection on the subject and writing of this paper. In this article, with an analytical and explanatory approach, the two topics of occultation and reappearance have considered, not as a punishment for weak believers, but as a divine tradition and a permanent cycle for the reappearance and full knowledge of the Imam (Mahdi) and his guardianship position. This has started in history from the beginning of the invitation of the great prophets and before the Bi'tha and has continued until the story of Ghadir Khum and then in Ashura and finally until the era of the occultation of Imam Mahdi (a). In addition, with regard to the continuity of these historical events under the concept of Kobra Resurrection, this cycle has been continued after the reappearance during the Raj'a period and until the Resurrection, and it will be the main mechanism to lead human beings under the Infallible Imam to the Resurrection.


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