The Ontological Foundations of Waiting in the Intellectual System of Ayatollah Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article



Examining the foundations of the waiting in the intellectual system of Islamic thinkers, inspired by those thoughts, prepares the waiting community for the creation and realization of the promised and ideal Islamic community, which in Islamic thought is referred to as the global government of Imam Mahdi (as). Therefore, by identifying the different effects and aspects of the waiting, it can help us in policy-making and planning for the future of Islamic community in order to revive Islamic civilization.
The waiting in the intellectual system of Ayatollah Khamenei is influenced by ontology, epistemology, anthropology and Islamic sociology. In the current study, the ontological foundations of the waiting in the intellectual system of Ayatollah Khamenei are examined, and this question is answered: What are the ontological foundations of the waiting based on the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution? In order to answer and explain this question, it has been referred to his written and narrated works that are available on the website, and in their analysis, both rational and narrative methods have been used. In Ayatollah Khamenei's intellectual system, the ontological foundations of the waiting are based on monotheism. In this paper, the three ontological foundations of divine policy, wisdom, and grace in the universe have been examined and the relationship between the waiting and these three foundations has been explained


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